Underwater Wonders of Palau
A Snorkeling Adventure

PALAU | 11 DAYS | FROM $10,490
DEPARTS february 16 2025
WITH Rich Pagen & Kristin Wornson
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Despite its small landmass, Palau boasts an extraordinary abundance of marine biodiversity that is unmatched by many larger countries. Embarking on a snorkeling adventure in Palau opens the door to a world of wonders, where you'll encounter a rich tapestry of aquatic habitats. From magnificent barrier reefs and vibrant fringing reefs to serene inner lagoons, thriving sea grass beds, mysterious marine lakes, and dense mangrove forests, Palau offers a diverse array of underwater ecosystems to explore. Prepare to be mesmerized as you search for over 1,500 species of fish, marvel at the beauty of more than 700 species of coral, and keep an eye out for encounters with majestic large pelagic creatures. Palau's waters are a true paradise for snorkelers, offering an unforgettable journey into one of the most biodiverse marine environments on our planet.

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Three moments you’ll never forget

Enjoy the endless wonders within the crystal-clear turquoise waters, teeming with vibrant coral reefs and a kaleidoscope of exotic marine life.

Enjoy an unusual and serene experience swimming with the non-stinging jellyfish of Palau.

Gaze across azure-blue waters toward the Rock Islands as you glide to your next snorkel site.

Day 1

Arrive Palau

Arrive to Palau in the evening and transfer to the Palau Pacific Hotel, our home for the next 10 nights.

Day 2


Gather with fellow travelers and trip leaders for a morning briefing and breakfast. Grab your lunch bento box and depart for a day of snorkeling. Today's snorkel sites will be shallow and calm, allowing you to test your snorkel gear and brush up on your skills. After a full day in the water enjoying two snorkel excursions, return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 3 – Day 10

Exploration of Palau

In the true spirit of exploration, daily activities will be determined based on current weather and tide conditions. We’ll work closely with the local guides and experts to ensure you visit the best sites at the most ideal times. The following is a sampling of locations we hope to experience:

Rock Islands

Board our dedicated covered speed boat and enjoy gorgeous tropical scenery en route to Palau’s geologically fascinating Rock Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Jellyfish Lake

Take a short hike through lush forest to the world-famous Jellyfish Lake for a snorkeling experience you’ll remember forever. Here, find thousands of melon-sized jellyfish. But fear not, centuries of isolation and relations with symbiotic algae have evolutionarily rendered these jellyfish stingless. Swimming alongside these pulsating creatures as they follow the movement of the sun is a profound moment.

German Channel

During the German occupation of Palau, this channel was blasted and dredged to connect the inner lagoon of Angur Island to the open ocean. Explore these nutrient-rich waters that flow into the channel with the tide as they attract manta rays, schools of sharks, jacks, barracudas, trevallies, and snappers. The sandy bottom is home to garden eels and blind gobies.

Ngemelis Conservation Area

A sheer vertical wall runs along the length of Ngemelis Island, providing a habitat for gorgeous soft, leather, and fan corals. Watch for colorful anemones and an abundance of reef fish on the reef's upper layers. Sharks, green and hawksbill turtles, Moorish idols, sergeant majors, and a variety of butterflyfish and angelfish patrol the reef edge.

Long Lake

Conditions permitting, enjoy a kayaking excursion at Long Lake. Begin with a leisurely paddle through winding mangrove forest, keeping an eye out for kingfishers, herons, and fruit doves. The calm waters of Long Lake provide habitat for a variety of juvenile fish with frequent sightings of young spotted eagle rays and feathertail stingrays. Step ashore on a powdery white-sand beach, fringed by rich tropical rainforest to watch for nesting birds, then go for a snorkel at Einstein's Coral Garden to marvel at its fascinating collection of multi-colored brain coral.

Cemetery Reef

Named for an artificial structure in the shape of a cross that was placed on top of the reef, Cemetery Reef is a great snorkel site with many hard and soft corals at shallow depth. The area abounds with small reef fish such as fusiliers, anthias, and rainbow runners.

Giant Clam Beach

Home to Palau's largest bivalves, here you will find hundreds of giant tridacna clams, some weighing up to 500 pounds. With an amazing variation of color and patterns within the clams' iridescent mantles, these beautiful living pieces of art make fantastic subjects for photographers.

Stone Monoliths

Possibly the oldest and largest archaeological site in Palau, the Badrulchau Stone Monoliths are situated on the slopes of Babeldaob Island. Explore the site, consisting of 52 basalt megaliths lined up in two rows, estimated to date back to around the year 161. The purposes of these stone monuments have long been in question, but it is believed that they served as pillars for a bai, a type of traditional Palauan meetinghouse. According to legend, this bai was constructed by the gods and could house thousands of people at one time.


During WWII, Palau was the site of a fierce battle between the United States and Japan. The longest battle took place in Peleliu, where the Japanese built a small landing strip. This was the site of one of the Pacific's bloodiest battles as US Marines made an amphibious assault on the beaches in 1944 in an attempt to liberate the island from Japanese forces. Due to its historical significance, the US Department of the Interior designated Peleliu a National Historic Landmark in 1985. Visit the infamous Thousand Man Cave, the Japanese Shrine, and witness remnants of Japanese buildings, gun emplacements, tanks, planes, and weapons still scattered around the island today. Tour the museum, housed in a Japanese storage bunker, where several personal items of Japanese and American soldiers are on display.

Day 11

Palau / Homeward

After resting in your room that has been reserved for the night of March 18, depart shortly after midnight (early morning of March 19) for Koror Airport to board your independent homeward flight.

Optional PRE-trip Extension

Discovering Yap

YAP | 4 NIGHTS | FEBRUARY 26 – MARCH 2, 2025

Enhance your underwater adventures by opting for a pre-trip extension to the captivating island of Yap, located near Palau. Immerse yourself in the year-round presence of a resident population of manta rays, granting you unforgettable opportunities to witness these majestic creatures up close. Yap's oceanic realm showcases an abundance of marine life, offering a paradise for water enthusiasts. Moreover, you'll have the chance to delve into the fascinating and ancient Yapese culture, renowned as one of the most unique and well-preserved cultures in Micronesia. After immersing yourself in Yap's beauty and heritage, embark on a scenic flight to Palau to join the main program, where the adventure continues in the enchanting waters of Palau's marine wonderland.

Day 1

Palau / Yap

After breakfast at the Palau Pacific Resort, we'll board our charter flight to Yap. Enjoy a sightseeing tour over the Rock Islands during the flight, taking in breathtaking aerial views of the lush limestone islets surrounded by crystal-clear blue waters. Upon arrival in Yap, we'll transfer to the Manta Ray Beach Resort for lunch, followed by an afternoon of water activities.

Day 2

Manta Ridge

After breakfast, take a speed boat to Manta Ridge, a 30-foot ridge of coral that straddles Mi'l Channel. Conditions permitting, enjoy a drift snorkel as the tidal current allows easy access for mantas to glide in and out of the lagoon, and variety of small reef fish to set up shop providing cleaning stations for the mantas. Additionally, the area is popular with white-tip and gray reef sharks, schools of jacks, and black snappers.

Day 3

Blue Holes

In the morning, depart for Blue Holes where large hard coral bommies and are often surrounded by stag-horn coral fields. Keep an eye out for resting stingrays in some of the shallower holes. After lunch, enjoy some free time before embarking on another water activity.

Day 4

Yap Island

Enjoy another snorkel in the morning before lunch. With free time in the afternoon or the option to join a cultural excursion to learn how the Yapese have surpassed the rest of Micronesia in preserving their ancient culture. We will end out experience in Yap with a sunset cruises followed by dinner at the hotel.

Day 5


Flights to Guam will depart from Yap international airport at 4:00am.


Trip details

February 16 – 26, 2025

Optional PRE-TRIP extension

February 26 – March 2, 2025


Trip starts and ends in Koror, Palau

Pre-trip extension starts in Colonia, Yap and ends in Koror, Palau

“Oh, what humans must have thought when technology first allowed for looking beneath the ocean’s surface! And Palau, with its crystal-clear sheltered waters, (98% of which are protected from fishing and other exploitation), and proximity to the epicenter of marine diversity (The Coral Triangle), is one of the most beautiful places in the world to ’put your face in the water.‘ Couple that with the culture and WWII history of the area—not to mention a special trip to Yap to seek out and swim with manta rays—and this will certainly be a magical trip we will never forget!”


More Detail


Per Person: $10,490
For a single room, add: $3,490

room upgrades available

Oceanview Per Person: $600
For a single room, add: $1,095

Oceanfront Per Person: $1,125
For a single room, add: $2,250

Yap Extension

Per Person: $2,990
For a single room, add: $1,240


Per Person: $1,500

What’s Included

  • 10 nights at Palau Pacific Resort

  • All meals and non-alcoholic beverages

  • Exclusive use of snorkel / dive boats on all excursions

  • All permits and park fees

  • Gratuities for the length of the program to all hotels, restaurants, local guides, and chartered boat staff

  • Post-trip Extension 4 nights at Manta Ray Bay Resort

  • Post-trip Extension Internal airfare from Yap to Palau

Ready to Go?

Save your spot on our expedition by booking now.

February 16 – 26, 2025

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